The climate emergency demands a rapid change in the way we generate, distribute, trade, store, and use electricity. 27% of global greenhouse gas emissions are still caused by electricity production from non renewable resources. Clean electricity represents a key step in mitigating climate change, not only through replacing fossil fuels, but also by enabling clean transport via electric vehicles, low (or hopefully zero) carbon electric heating/cooling systems and through powering major manufacturing plants from renewable resources – clean electricity can be much more than 27% of the solution.
At Moixa, we are passionate about supporting the transition to a sustainable energy system by optimising the way people generate, distribute and consume renewable energy. Creating value to the end user is at the heart of our business because we believe a sustainable future should bring benefits to all involved.
That is why we have developed customisable cloud-based AI software called GridShare that optimises energy storage assets as well as electric vehicle chargers and connects these devices to the grid, to enable smart energy management. As a Cleantech global 100 company our goal is to raise the IQ of batteries for a future powered by renewables, with zero emission energy and mobility.
We are proud to take our commitment to sustainability to another level by signing the SME Climate Commitment and integrate climate action across our business practices. Recognising that climate change poses a threat to the economy, nature and society-at-large, our company commits to take action immediately in order to:
- Halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
- Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
- Disclose our progress on a yearly basis

We’re looking into a year ahead with an excitement working out how we can function more sustainably by taking part in the Race to Zero in order to contribute to all 4 pillars of the global climate strategy by:
- Reducing our own emissions at Moixa
- Contributing to reducing emissions of our value chain
- Integrating climate considerations in our business strategy even further
- Influencing climate action in society
To emphasise Moixa’s commitment to Net Zero, our founder and CEO Simon Daniel has announced his new Net Zero doctrine aimed at ‘building back better’ without increasing the long-term tax or debt burden by introducing Net Zero pensions. It covers the role of Energy Storage, EV management, and an important idea of how to unlock trillions of dollars to fund the energy and transport infrastructure to achieve Net Zero and recover from global COVID-19 impacts. You can read a full paper here or listen to his talk on it for The Royal Society international conference here.
The challenge ahead may seem intimidating, but with the tools and resources provided by the SME Climate Hub to measure our emissions and develop our climate strategy, we are prepared to put the Race to Zero at the core of our business and hope to inspire many others to take action.