At Moixa, we are launching an innovative trial to develop deeper experience of optimising residential energy assets to support National Grid through the Balancing Mechanism. Our GridShare Software already enables our Moixa Smart Batteries to provide flexibility services to UKPN and WPD in some of their constrained zones and this trial will allow us to unlock additional grid services across GB whilst analysing the benefits of the Balancing Mechanism for battery customers.
The Balancing Mechanism is one of the tools that National Grid uses to balance supply and demand on the GB grid. Due to the introduction of Virtual Lead Parties (VLP) which opened up the Balancing Mechanism to more flexible assets, home energy storage devices such as Moixa Smart Batteries can now support the grid through the Balancing Mechanism, whereas previously only licensed generators and energy suppliers could participate. Through this trial, Moixa can now offer households, with any supplier and a battery optimised by GridShare, a new route to support a greener grid through their energy asset.
To deliver this service we have partnered with Flexitricity, who was the first aggregator to trade in Balancing Mechanism as a VLP, opening the door for Moixa to support the grid by utilising home solar batteries. As this is a grid service that we will newly support, using both our current and rapidly developing technology, we will first be trialling how we manage this service. This trial will use our 4.8kWh Moixa Smart Battery to test and continue to improve how our software and services work to support the Balancing Mechanism.

Batteries and intelligent energy assets are key to unlocking a net-zero future. As we move away from centrally-dispatched power generation, like coal-burning power stations, and towards distributed sources of renewable energy, new ways of managing and balancing the grid are needed. In this new era of energy, to match supply and demand, we need to move away from focussing on controlling supply and instead look towards routes to manage demand. At Moixa, our mission is to help build a world powered by renewable energy. This drives us to create technology enabling batteries to support a variety of grid services. In the future, this will mean that the grid can be powered with more renewable energy and less fossil fuel by relying more heavily on battery assets to balance the grid, through managing demand, when there is too little or too much renewable energy generation.